Friday, April 17, 2020

a bit of love - final movie part 2

This blog includes the second part of the beginning clips of our movie, A bit of love. There is another blog titled "a bit of love-final movie part 1" that contains the first part of the movie. The reason for this was that the blog would not let me post the entire thing because it was too big. I decided to cut it in half and upload it into two separate blogs as it made it efficient. The final piece was a lift off the shoulder. It took about three months to complete two minutes of a movie called a bit of love. This was a very challenging project as there were so many aspects to it, like an original idea, storyboards, filming, acting, copy right. It gave us the slightest idea of what a real movie production could look like, if two minutes took us three weeks I can only imagine what 2 hours would take. Overall, I would say the film was okay, i wasn't completely pleased with the flow of the movie. We did work hard on it and I know I worked hard but I feel as if smoother filming would have came a long way. With smoother filming, editing could have been a lot easier. The story line in general had very good position but I feel is harder to create than it seemed. There was a lot we could have done if the film ran longer but unfortunately two minutes is all we had.  The idea was to capture the audience in those two minutes. I hope our film suffices, I personally watching back feel like it did just that. Even though some confusion could be expressed by the audience, it allows for more attention. Something that would be underrated is the effort for each scene. The food scene was especially our favorite as it took hours to make and is supposed to resemble body parts. The setbacks we experienced were like no other. Due to the corona virus we could not reshoot as a team or have the cameras available to us. Since I had to edit on Imovie I had to work with what i got, titles were quite difficult to make as the source did not let me move the titles however i wanted. We got through the downs and created a movie we feel looks great.

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